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Price: 85,00 €



Gesher: A Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Site in the Central Jordan Valley, Israel. A Final Report, by Y. Garfinkel and D. Dag (2006).


XIV + 230 pages, 12 colour plates, 158 figures, 33 tables, hardcover; with contributions by S. Ashkenazi, S. Belitzky, G. Le Dosseur, L.K. Horwitz, M.E. Kislev, Y.Melamed, H.K. Mienis, O. Simchoni
1400 g



Contents List

1. Introduction: 1-24

1.1. Archaeology of the First Neolithic Communities 1.2. Location and Setting of Gesher 1.3. History of Research at Gesher 1.4. Site Formation Processes 1.5. Radiocarbon Chronology 1.6. Acknowledgments

2. Late Pleistocene and Holocene Tectonic Deformation at Gesher (S. Belitzky): 25-33

2.1. Introduction 2.2. The Data 2.3. Discussion

3. Stratigraphy and Architecture: 37-60

3.1. Excavation Organization and Methodology 3.2. Stratigraphy 3.3. Area A 3.4. Area B 3.5. The Neolithic Settlement of Gesher

4. The Flint Knapping Industry: 61-98

4.1. Introduction 4.2. Flint Knapping Technology 4.3. The Flint Tools 4.4. A Yarmukian Sickle Blade 4.5. Discussion

5. The Stone Tools: 99-152

5.1. General Remarks and Raw Materials 5.2. Typology of the Stone Tools 5.3. The Ground Stones in Areas A and B 5.4. The Ground Stone Workshop 5.5. Appendix: Key to Stone Tool Figures

6. Beads and Decorated Items: 153-158

6.1. Limestone Beads 6.2. Clay Beads 6.3. Miniature Grooved Items 6.4. Incised Reddish Limestone Object

7. The Fauna (L.K. Horwitz and S. Ashkenazi): 159-174

7.1. Introduction 7.2. The Assemblage 7.3. Discussion

8. The Local Land and Freshwater Molluscs (H.K. Mienis): 175-180

8.1. Material and Methods 8.2. Results 8.3. Interpretation of the Material 8.4. Conclusions

9. The Bone Industry (G. Le Dosseur): 181-186

10. Plant Remains (M.E. Kislev, O. Simchoni, and Y. Melamed): 187-192

10.1. Introduction 10.2. The Plant Remain 10.3. Conclusions

11. Discussion: 193-202

11.1. The Khiamian-Sultanian Debate 11.2. Production and Specialization 11.3. Early Neolithic Hierarchy Patterns

References: 203-214


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