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Price: 80,00 €



Beyond Tools. Redefining the PPN Lithic Assemblages of the Levant. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on PPN Chipped Lithic Industries (Ca'Foscari University of Venice, Nov. 1998), ed. by I. Caneva, C. Lemorini, D. Zampetti, and P. Biagi (2001).


33 contributions, IV + 455 pages, 206 figures incl. plates, 63 tables, paperback
1710 g



Contents List

Section One: Technology and Documentation

  • D. Binder and N. Balkan-Atli: Obsidian exploitation and blade technology at Komurcu-Kaletepe (Cappadocia, Turkey): 1-16
  • R. Barkai and A. Gopher: Flint quarries in tlie southern Levantine Holocene: a routine procedure? New evidence from the Upper Galilee, Israel: 17-26
  • N. Balkan-Atli, N. Kayacan, M. Özbasaran, S. Yildirim: Variability in the neolithic arrowheads of Central Anatolia (typological, technological and chronological aspects): 27-44
  • E. Clegg: The core technology at the site of Ghwair 1 : some preliminary results: 45-54
  • Y. Nishiaki: Hafting systems of sickle elements from the Chalcolithic levels of Telul eth-Thalathat 11, Iraq: 55-72
  • R. Barkai: Make my axe: flint axe production and resharpening at EPPNB Nalial Lavan 109: 73-92
  • G. Der Aprahamian: Le dessin du materiel lithique: 93-106
  • F. Parenti: The utility and meaning of stone-tools drawing: 107-112

Section Two: The Functional Interpretation of Tools and Contexts

  • L. Astruc: Lithic tools involved in the manufacture of stone ornaments and utilitarian products at Khirokitia (Cyprus): 113-128
  • M.R. Iovino and C. Lemorini: Stone working at Cayonü: a functional perspective: 129-136
  • C. Altinbilek, G. Coskunsu, Y. Dede, M.R. Iovino, C. Lemorini, A. Özdogan: Drills from Cayonü. A combination of ethnographic, experimental and use-wear analysis: 137-144
  • G. Coskunsu and C. Lemorini: The function of Pre-Pottery Neolithic projectile points: the limits of morphological analogy: 145-160
  • C. Altinbilek and M.R. Iovino: From shape to function: notes on some end-scrapers from Cayonü: 161-164
  • I. Caneva, M.R. Iovino, C. Lemorini, A. Özdogan, and D. Zampetti: A combined analysis of lithic assemblages from Cayonü: 165-182
  • S. Yamada, N. Goring-Morris, A. Gopher, and J.T. Perron: Analysis of faintly glossed blades from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Nahal Issaron (Israel): 183-204
  • J.E. González and J.J. Ibánez: The contribution of functional analysis to our knowledge of tools: examples from Tell Mureybet. Jerf el-Ahmar and Tell Halula (Northern Syria): 205-216
  • M.-C. Cauvin. F. Abbés, J.J. Ibánez, et J.E. González: L'outillage lithique de la structure XLVII de Mureybet (9200 cal . av . J.C.) en Syrie du nord: 217-242
  • M. Molist, A. Ferrer, J.E. González, J.J. Ibánez, T. Palomo: Élaboration et usage de I'industrie lithique taillié de Tell Halula (Syrie du Nord) depuis le 8700 jusqu'á 7500 b.p.. État de la recherche: 243-256
  • N. Goring-Morris and A. Belfer-Cohen: The symbolic realms of utilitarian material culture: the role of lithics: 257-272
  • D. Nadel: Hut floors and tool densities: 273-282

Section Three: Classfication and Chronology

  • S.K. Kozlowski: The Big Arrowlieads Industries (BAI) in the Near East: 283-288
  • F.R. Valla, H. Khalaily, C. Delage, B. Valentin, H. Plisson, et N. Samuelian: Les potentialités des industries de silex du Natoufien final de Mallaha: essai d'évaluation: 289-302
  • D.I. Olszewski: My "backed and truncated bladelet", your "point": terminology and interpretation in Levantine Epipaleolithic assemblages: 303-318
  • D. Baird: Explaining technological change from the 7th to the 6th millennium bc in the southern Levant: 319-332
  • Y. Garfinkel and D. Dug: The Pre-Pottery Neolithic C flint assemblage of Ashkelon: 333-352
  • Z.A . Kafafi: Chronological problems of the sixth and fifth millennia b.c. in Jordan: 353-362
  • B.L . Peasnall and M. Rosenberg: A preliminary description of the lithic industry from Demirköy Hoyök: 363-388
  • E. Healey: The role of obsidian at the Halaf site of Domuztepe, S.E. Anatolia: 389-398
  • F. Hole: Formal variability of glossed flint elements in Deh Luran and the Khabur: 399-410
  • A. Gopher, R. Barkai, and A. Asaf Trends in sickle blades production in the Neolithic of the Hula Valley, Israel: 411-426
  • C. McCartney: The chipped stone assemblage from Tenta (Cyprus), cultural and chronological implications: 427-436
  • O. Bar-Yosef: Lithics and the social geographic configurations identifying neolithic tribes in the Levant: 437-448
  • J. Cauvin: Bilan d'une rencontre: directions actuelles pour I'étude des industries lithiques au Proche-Orient: 449-455


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