The radiocarbon dates for the Neolithic site of Cafer Höyük attest an occupation during the middle PPNB. The dates considered for calibration correlate well with the stratigraphy, except Ly 3091, which seems to be intrusive from a lower layer. But as it falls within the time range of the earlier dates, it can be used for the dating of the older phases.
The excavators discarded two dates as too young (Ly 3773; Ly 3089) (Molist, Cauvin 1991:110). Because of their high standard deviations these two dates have not been considered for the calibration.
Comparing the stratigraphy with the calibrated dates, the range of the dates can be centred between 8310 BC and 7510 BC. This is in good accordance with the architecture and the flint artefacts, although the high percentage of microliths (30%) from the lowest layers (XIII-VIII) is striking and might indicate an earlier occupation (Cauvin 1989:80; Cauvin, Aurenche 1982:125-127; Helmer 2008:170-171).