PPND - the Platform for Neolithic Radiocarbon Dates


32°45'20.54'' N    35°13'48.79'' E   Download OxCal File

The settlement of Yiftah’el is famous for its early domesticated lentil seeds, which were radiocarbon dated before the end of the 1980s. It seems justified to combine all lentil dates, though one of the dates is between 7790 BC and 7480 BC and the rest between 7960 BC and 7750 BC. These dates provide a time range ante quem for the burials excavated in the 1990s.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to synchronize the modelled skulls, found in 2008, to the recently published stratigraphy. According to information from the excavators, the settlement ends at around 7000 BC (Khalaily et al. 2008). It is therefore impossible to determine whether the skull burials should be attributed to the middle PPNB or a later horizon. Provisionally, the skulls could be attributed to a late phase of the middle PPNB, though it must be kept in mind that they could also date to the late PPNB.

14C Dates

 Code  BP Dev. Δ13C Location material References
Pta-4242 8870 90 locus 719, Schicht 2, ante burial S horsbeen seed Garfinkel 1987
Pta-4245 8720 70 locus 710, Schicht 2, ante burial S lentil seed Garfinkel 1987
RT-736a 8570 130 locus 719, Schicht 2, ante burial S, horsebeen seed Garfinkel 1987
RT-736b 8890 120 locus 710, Schicht 2, ante burial S, lentil seed Garfinkel 1987



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