PPND - the Platform for Neolithic Radiocarbon Dates


31'58'24'' N    35°43'40'' E   Download OxCal File

The radiocarbon dates of Wadi Shueib have such high deviations that only two of the dates were calibrated for this analysis. A comparison of the radiocarbon dates with the stratigraphy only shows little consistence supporting the separation of the middle and late PPNB. As for ‘Ain Ghazal, the separation of the ‘PPNC’ of Wadi Shueib on the basis of the radiocarbon dates remains problematic, because it is only determined by two dates, scattering in the temporal horizon of the middle and late PPNB. Simple dislocations or old-wood-effects do not seem to explain this problem and a detailed discussion would be necessary, but is out of the scope of this survey.

The dates Beta 35081: 8600±100 BP (7740-7530 BC) and Beta 35087: 9100±140 BP (8600-8200 BC) correlate well with the typological attribution of the settlement to the middle and late PPNB. The burials of Wadi Shueib are grosso modo all attributed to the late PPNB, that is documented by further radiocarbon dates having too large deviations to be calibrated.

14C Dates

 Code  BP Dev. Δ13C Location material References
Beta-35080/WS-1 10220 250 Area I, LPPNB Simmons et al. 2001:28
Beta-35082/WS-3 8670 210 Area I, MPPNB Simmons et al. 2001:28
Beta-35083/WS 5&8 8760 280 Area II, PPNC Simmons et al. 2001:28
Beta-35084/WS-6 7660 210 Area II, LPPNB Simmons et al. 2001:28
Beta-35085/WS-6 8120 280 Area II, PPNC Simmons et al. 2001:28
Beta-35086/WS-9 8500 160 Area II; LPPNB Simmons et al. 2001:28
Beta-35087/WS-10&12 9100 140 Area II, LPPNB Simmons et al. 2001:28
Beta-35088/WS-11 7810 340 Area II, LPPNB Simmons et al. 2001:28
beta-35089/WS-13&14 9160 190 Area III, MPPNB Simmons et al. 2001:28
Beta-353081/WS-2 8600 100 Area I, MPPNB Simmons et al. 2001:28



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