PPND - the Platform for Neolithic Radiocarbon Dates


30°37'23'' N    35°30'22'' E   Download OxCal File

On the basis of the architectural remains, Ghuwayr 1 is characteristic of the Neolithic villages with agglutinated, rectangular and partly multi-story, buildings (Simmons, Najjar 2006). The excavators discerned three phases, which, according to the radiocarbon dates, overlap: Phase 1 dates to 7940-7600 BC, Phase 2 to 82010-7820 BC, and Phase 3 to 7730-7570 BC.[1] Some of the dates were attributed to Phase 2, but after calibration their sum (7750-7500 BC) instead suggests Phase 3.

The one much older date (ISGS 4366) may attest to a sporadic use of the site during the PPNA, which seems to be quite probable given that the early PPNA site of Wadi Faynan 16 is only some 100 meters away.

[1] ISGS 4364 (?) has been cited twice (8690+/-70 and 8570 +/- 100). But because there is an identical early date ISGS 4332: 8570+/- 70, the date of ISGS 4364 has been disregarded to avoid mistakes (Simmons, Najjar 2006:80).

14C Dates

 Code  BP Dev. Δ13C Location material References
Beta140757 8390 50 Area I/phaseIII Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
Beta140758 8620 50 Area I/phaseIII Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
Beta140759 8610 50 Area I/phaseIII Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
DRI 3251 8806 52 Area I/phase II Finlayson, Mithen 2007:474
DRI 3252 8880 117 Area I/phase II Finlayson, Mithen 2007:474
DRI 3253 9027 116 Area II/ phase II? 1) Simmons, Najjar 2006 2) n.Finlayson, Mithen 2007:474: 9037+/-116
DRI 3254 8659 178 Area I/phase II Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
DRI 3255 8755 111 Area III/ phase II? Finlayson, Mithen 2007:474
DRI 3256 8754 52 Area II/ phase II? Finlayson, Mithen 2007:474
Hd 17219-17541 8812 61 Area I/phase I Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
Hd17220-17550 8627 46 Area I/phaseIII Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
Hd17221-17359 8528 89 AreaIV/II? Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
ISGS 4325 8590 70 Area II/ phase II? Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
ISGS 4330 8870 70 Area I/phase II Finlayson, Mithen 2007:474
ISGS 4331 8510 70 AreaIV/II? Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
ISGS 4332 8570 70 Area II/III? Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
ISGS 4333 8620 70 AreaIV/II? Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
ISGS 4364 8690 70 Area II/ phase I Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
ISGS 4364 (?, doppelt vergeben) 8570 100 AreaIV/II? Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
ISGS 4365 8530 100 AreaIV/II? Simmons, Najjar 2006:80
ISGS 4366 9710 150 Area II/ phase I Finlayson, Mithen 2007:474



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