Managing committee

H.G.K. Gebel Julia Gresky Christoph Purschwitz Marion Benz



Drs. Reinder Neef
Former Chairman II of ex oriente


Referent for Archaeobotany at the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
Zentrale, Referat Naturwissenschaften
Im Dol 2-6
14195 Berlin, Germany

Tel.: 0049 30 187711348



Curriculum vitae

born in 1956


Degree in biology and geology in 1978/79 from Groningen State University, The Netherlands. Graduated in 1982 at the same university.

1992 to present

Head of laboratory for archaeobotany, Department of Natural Sciences, Zentrale, German Archeological Institute, Berlin, Germany.


Research assistant, Institute for Plant Taxonomy, State University, Groningen, the Netherlands.


Research assistant, Biological Archeological Institute, State University, Groningen, the Netherlands: research on archaeobotanical material from different archeological excavations in Germany, Syria, France and the Netherlands.


Research assistant, Dutch Organization for Pure Research (Z.W.O.) in ‘s-Gravenhage, the Netherlands: archaeobotanical research into archaeological excavations in Jordan and Iraq.


Research associate, Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Archäologie, Münster, Germany: archaeobotanical research into archaeological excavations in Westfalen, Germany.


Research associate, Institute for Prehistory, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich, Germany: research on archaeobotanical material from Neolithic settlements in Bavaria, Germany.



Research foci

  •  The development of agriculture in the Near East and adjacent regions.
  • The „Digital Plant Atlas” project in cooperation with the Groningen Institute of Archaeology, University of Groningen (


Selected publications

  • Neef R., Botanische Funde aus den vorgeschichtlichen und frühmittelalterlichen Emssand-Siedlungen Gittrup und Ostbevern, Ausgrabungen und Funde in Westfalen-Lippe 3 (1985): 89-100.
  • Neef R., Introduction, development and environmental implications of olive culture: The evidence from Jordan. In: S. Bottema, G. Entjes-Nieborg and W. van Zeist (eds.), Man's role in the Shaping of the Eastern Mediterranean Landscape (1990): 295-306. Rotterdam.
  • Neef R., Umwelt und Landwirtschaft. In: H.Parzinger and R.Sanz, Das Castro von Soto de Bureba. Archäologische und historische Forschungen zur Bureba in vorrömischer und römischer Zeit (2000): 219-239. Rahden.
  • Neef R., Ackerbau und Sammelwirtschaft. In: E. Gringmut-Dalmer and E. Leciejewicz (Hrsg.), Forschungen zu Mensch und Umwelt im Odergebiet in ur- und frühgeschichtlicher Zeit. Römisch-Germanische Forschungen 60 (2003): 319-350, 401. Mainz.
  • Neef R., Vegetation and climate. A comparison between PPNB ‘Ain Ghazal and Basta. In: H.-D. Bienert, H.G. Gebel and R. Neef (eds.), Central Settlements in Neolithic Jordan. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 5 (2004): 289-298. Berlin.




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