Managing committee

Dr. Hans Georg K. Gebel
Chairman I of ex oriente (1994-2019)
Researcher (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn),
Director of the Ba’ja Neolitic Project,
Co-director of the Eastern Jafr Joint Archaeological Project
Curriculum vitae
born in 1954
1974-1980 |
Study of Near Eastern Archaeology, Ancient Near Eastern Philology and Old Testament at Freiburg University and Free University of Berlin; student assistent at the Seminar für Vorderasiatische Alterumskunde, Free University of Berlin; start of specialization on the Near Eastern Neolithic chipped stone industries and early Holocene palaeoeenvironmental reconstruction; student participation in excavations/ surveys in Turkey, Iran, Oman and Abu Dhabi; MA thesis on subsistence modes and settlements in the Near Eastern Pre-Pottery Neolithic (supervision: Prof. Dr. Hans J. Nissen) |
1980-1986 |
Researcher in the Special Research Division 19 (Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Universität Tübingen) of the German Research Association: Publication of thematic maps on the Aceramic Neolithic of the Near East, and related publications |
1979-1986 |
Field research (excavations and surveys) from 1979-1986 in Iran, Tukey, Oman, Abu Dhabi and Jordan; field/ project director for several campaigns since 1981 in Jordan ('Ain Rahub, Palaeoenvironmental Investigations in the Greater Petra- Region - Holocene Research) and Abu Dhabi (Mazyad-sites, Habshan) |
1987-1994 |
Researcher in/ coordination of the Basta Joint Archaeological Project/ South Jordan of the German Research Association (co-directors: Prof. Dr. Hans J. Nissen, Dr. Mujahed Muheisen), hosted by the Seminar für Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde of Free University of Berlin; various research/ publications on PPN chipped lithic industries etc.; in 1993 co-founder of the PPN Chipped Lithics Workshops/ Conferences |
since 1994 |
Foundation and principal chairman of the research association ex oriente e.V. at Free University of Berlin; founder and co-editor (with Reinder Neef) of the Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment (from 1994), of the bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis (with Gary O. Rollefson, from 2001), and of Neo-Lithics. The Newsletter on Southwest Asian Neolithic Research (with Gary O. Rollefson, from 1994) |
since 1997 |
Director of the Ba‘ja Neolithic Project, South Jordan (in 1997: co-director with Hans-Dieter Bienert); analysis and research coordination for the Ba'ja Neolithic Project, carried out under the aupices of oriente e.V. at Free University of Berlin; since 2001 co-director (with Prof. Dr. Hamzeh Mahasneh, Mu‘tah University) of the Eastern Jafr Project, a joint project wih Mu‘tah University, Kerak |
since 2003 |
Researcher in/ coordination of the Basta Joint Archaeological Project of the German Research Association, hosted by the Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie of Free University of Berlin (Prof. Dr. Hans J. Nissen); participation in the Middle Orontes Survey Project for the Neolithic occupations (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abt. Damaskus: PD Dr. Karin Bartl) |
Research foci
- Near Eastern Chipped Stone Industries (late Pleistocene to recent)
- Early Holocene Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction
- Neolithic Socio-Economic Trajectories as Related to Innovation
- Present-day Tribal Heritage Awareness (Beduin Cultures)
Co-organizer of symposia, workshops
- Intern. Symposium 1986: The Prehistory of Jordan, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andrew Garrard, UC London; held at Tübingen University
- Intern. Workshop 1993: PPN Chipped Lithic Industries of the Fertile Crescent, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Stefan K. Kozlowski, Warsaw University; held at Free University of Berlin
- Intern. Working Group "Wembach" 1994-1998: Non-Formal Tools Code Systems, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gary O. Rollefson; held at the ‘Ain Ghazal Research Institute, Wembach/ Germany
- Intern. Workshop 1995: PPN Chipped Lithic Industries of the Fertile Crescent, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Stefan K. Kozlowski, Warsaw Universiy; held at Warsaw University
- Intern. Symposium 1997: Central Settlements in Neolithic Jordan, in cooperation with Dr. Hans-Dieter Bienert, that time Deutsches Evang. Institut für Altertumskunde des Hl. Landes (GPIA), Amman; held in Petra / Jordan
- Intern. Symposium 2000: Magic Practices in the Neolithic of the Ancient Near East, in cooperation with Dr. Charlott Hoffmann Jensen and Prof. Dr. Ingolf Thuesen; held at the ICAANE Copenhagen (International Conference on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East), Copenhagen University
- Intern. Workshop 2004: Towards New Frameworks: Supra-Regional Concepts in Near Eastern Neolithization, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Mehmet Özdogan (Istanbul University), Prof. Dr. Gary Rollefson (Whitman College, Walla Walla) and Dr. Klaus Schmidt (German Archaeological Institute, Orient-Abt., Berlin); held at the ICAANE Berlin (International Conference on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East), Free University of Berlin
Selected publications (sole authorships)
- Gebel H.G, Der Siedlungsplatz Lizq 2. In: G. Weisgerber, Mehr als Kupfer in Oman - Ergebnisse der Expedition 1981. Der Anschnitt 33.5-6 (1981) 252-256.
- Gebel H.G., Vorderer Orient. Akeramisches Neolithikum < Middle East. Aceramic Neolithic> . Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B I 11. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert (1982).
- Gebel H.G., Das Akeramische Neolithikum Vorderasiens. Subsistenzformen und Siedlungsweisen. Tabellarische Material- und Befundpräsentation zu Fundorten des Protoneolithikums und des Akeramischen Neolithikums. Beihefte des Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B 52. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert (1984).
- Gebel H.G., Notiz zur Obsidianindustrie von Altinkum Plaji bei Didyma <mit einem Beitrag von E. Mosheim & E. Althaus>. Istanbuler Mitteilungen 34 (1984) 5-28.
- Gebel H.G., Die Jungsteinzeit im Petra-Gebiet. In: M. Lindner (Hrg.), Petra. Neue Ausgrabungen und Entdeckungen (1986) 273-308. München, Delp.
- Gebel H.G., Orta Firat bölgesinde Hilvan yöresinde günümüzdeki yontmatas yapim gelenegi (Eine rezente Abschlagindustrie in der mittleren Euphrat- Region Hilvan). In: Lower Euphrates Project, 1978-1979 Activities. Lower Euphrates Project Publications, Series I, No 3 (1987) 265-272 (273-280), 163-168. Ankara, Middle East Technical University.
- Gebel H.G., Late Epipalaeolithic- Aceramic Neolithic sites in the Petra-Area. In: A.N. Garrard & H.G. Gebel (Eds.) The Prehistory of Jordan. The State of Research in 1986. British Archaeological Reports- International Series 396.1 (1988) 67-100. Oxford: B.A.R.
- Gebel H.G., Südostarabien. Prähistorische Besiedlung <South-East Arabia. Prehistoric Settlements>. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B I 8.3 (1988). Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert.
- Gebel H.G., Vorderer Orient. Neolithikum. Beispiele zur Fundortökologie. Petra- Region. < Middle East. Neolithic. Examples of the Ecological Setting of Sites. Petra Region>. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B I 15.1. (1990) Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert.
- Gebel H.G., Neolithikum. Lokale Fundorthäufungen und rezente Landnutzung <Neolithic. Regional Site Evidence and Recent Land Use>. Map of the Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B I 14 (1991). Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert.
- Gebel H.G., Vorderer Orient. Keramisches Neolithikum < Middle East. Pottery Neolithic> Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients B I 12 (1992). Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert.
- Gebel H.G., Territories and palaeoenvironment: locational analysis of Neolithic site setting in the Greater Petra area, southern Jordan. In: S. Kerner (Ed.), The Near East in Antiquity. German Contributions to the archaeology of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt 3 (1992) 85-96. Amman: al- Khubta Publishers.
- Gebel H.G., Neolithic Primary Production in the southern and central Levant. Theses for a synthesis approach. In: H.G. Gebel & S. K. Kozlowski (Eds.), Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent. Proceedings of the First Workshop on PPN Chipped Lithic Industries. Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Production, Subsistence and Environment 1 (1993) 393-394.
- Gebel H.G., Die Silexindustrie von Qale Rostam, NE-Zagros, Iran. In: H.G. Gebel & S. K. Kozlowski (Eds.), Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent. Proceedings of the First Workshop on PPN Chipped Lithic Industries. Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Production, Subsistence and Environment 1 (1994) 117-142.
- Gebel H.G.K., Chipped lithics in the Basta Craft System. In: S.K. Kozlowski & H.G.K. Gebel (eds.), Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries in the Fertile Crescent, and Their Contemporanities in Adjacent Areas. Studies in Early Near Eastern Subsistence, Production, and Environment 3 (1996) 261-270. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K., Die Hornstein- und Obsidianindustrien. In: E. Klengel-Brandt, S. Kulemann-Ossen, L. Martin, R.B. Wartke, Vorläufiger Bericht über die Ausgrabungen des Vorderasiatischen Museums auf Tell Knedig/ NO-Syrien. Ergebnisse der Kampagnen 1995 und 1996. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 129 (1997) 39-87.
- Gebel H.G.K., Die Petra-Region im 7. Jt. vor Chr. Betrachtungen zu Ausbildung und Auflösung einer frühneolithischen Siedlungskammer. In: Hübner H. & A. Knauf (eds.), Nach Petra und ins Königreich der Nabatäer. Bonner Biblische Beiträge 118 (Festschrift Manfred Lindner) (1998) 1-8. Bodenheim: Philo.
- Gebel H.G.K., Frühseßhafte verborgen in Felsen. Ba'ja in Süd-Jordanien stellt der Jungsteinzeitforschung neuartige Fragen. Antike Welt 32/3 (2001) 275-283.
- Gebel H.G.K., Subsistenzformen, Siedlungsweisen und Prozesse des sozialen Wandels vom akeramischen bis zum keramischen Neolithikum, Teil II: Grundzüge sozialen Wandels im Neolithikum der südlichen Levante (2002) Freiburg: Universitätsbibliothek.
- Gebel H.G.K., Walls. Loci of Forces. In: H.G. K. Gebel, B.D. Hermansen & C.H. Jensen (Hrsg.), Magic Practices and Ritual in the Near Eastern Neolithic. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 8 (2002) 119-132. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K., The Neolithic of the Near East An essay on a “Polycentric Process” and other current research problems. In: A. Hausleiter, S. Kerner & B. Müller-Neuhof (Hrg.), Material Culture and Mental Spheres. Rezeption archäologischer Denkrichtungen in der Vorderasiatischen Altertumskunde. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 293 (2002) 313-324.
- Gebel H.G.K., Lithic Economic Systems and Early Sedentism. In: K. von Folsach, H. Thrane & I. Thuesen (Eds.), From Handaxe to Khan. Essays Presented to Peder Mortensen (2004) 55-65. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
- Gebel H.G.K., The domestication of water. Evidence from Early Neolithic Ba'ja. In: H. D. Bienert/ J. Häser (eds.), Men of Dikes and Canals. The Archaeology of Water in the Middle East. Orient-Archäologie 10 (2004) 25-36. Rahden: Marie Leidorf.
- Gebel H.G.K., There was no center. The polycentric evolution of the Near Eastern Neolithic. Neo-Lithics 1/04. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K., Central to what? Remarks on the settlement patterns of the LPPNB mega-sites in Jordan. In: H.D. Bienert, H.G.K. Gebel & R. Neef (eds.), Central Settlements in Neolithic Jordan. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 5 (2004) 1-21. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K, Present-day Site Setting and Physiographic Units. In: H.J. Nissen, M. Muheisen and H.G.K. Gebel (eds.), Basta I. The Human Ecology (2004) 35-52. Berlin, ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K, Site Preservation and Site Formation Processes. In: H.J. Nissen, M. Muheisen and H.G.K. Gebel (eds.), Basta I. The Human Ecology (2004) 95-116. Berlin, ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K., The stratigraphy and locus data. In: H.G.K. Gebel, H.J. Nissen and Z. Zaid, Basta II. The Architecture and Stratigraphy (2006) 11-132. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K., The domestication of vertical space. The southern Jordanian case of steep-slope LPPNB architecture. In: E.B. Banning and Michael Chazan (eds.), Domesticating Space: Construction, Community, and Cosmology in the Late Prehistoric. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 12 (2006) 65-74. Berlin: ex oriente.
Selected publications in joint authorship
- Gebel H.G. & Muheisen M., Note on 'Ain Rahub, a new Late Natufian site near Irbid, Jordan. Paleorient 11.1 (1985) 107-111.
- Gebel H.G. & Starck J.M., Investigations into the stone age of the Petra area (Early Holocene research). A Preliminary report on the 1984 campaigns. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 29 (1985) 89-114.
- Nissen H.J., Muheisen M., Gebel H.G. with contributions by C. Becker, R. Neef, H.J. Pachur, N. Qadi & M. Schultz, Report on the first two seasons of excavations at Basta. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 31 (1987) 79-120.
- Gebel H.G., Muheisen M., Nissen H.J. with contributions by Qadi N. & Starck J.M., Preliminary report on the first season of excavations at the Late Aceramic Neolithic site of Basta. In: A.N. Garrard & H.G. Gebel (Eds.), The Prehistory of Jordan. The State of Research in 1986. British Archaeological Reports - International Series 396.1 (1988) 101-134. Oxford: B.A.R.
- Muheisen M., Gebel H.G., Hannss C. & Neef R., 'Ain Rahub, a new final Natufian and Yarmoukian site near Irbid. In: A.N. Garrard & H.G. Gebel (Eds.), The Prehistory of Jordan. The State of Research in 1986. British Archaeological Reports - International Series 396.2 (1988) 472-502. Oxford: B.A.R.
- Gebel H.G., Hannss C., Liebau A. & Rähle W., The late Quaternary environments of 'Ain al- Faidha / al-'Ain, Abu Dhabi Emirate. Archaeology in the United Arab Emirates 5 (1989) 9-48. al-Ain: Dept. of Antiquities and Tourism.
- Maggi R. & Gebel H.G., A preliminary report on the chipped stone industries of the Mid- Holocene shell-midden communities of Ra's al-Hamra 5, Layer 1 (Muscat, Sultanate of Oman). Rivista di Archeologia 14 (1990) 5-24. Rome: Bretschneider.
- Nissen H.J., Muheisen M., Gebel H.G. with contributions by C. Becker, B. Dahl Hermansen, W. Karasneh, N. Qadi, M. Schultz & A. Scherer, Report on the excavations at Basta 1988. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 35 (1991) 13-40.
- Gebel H.G., Hahme F., Hermansen Dahl B. & Qadi N., Brotbacken in Basta. Das Altertum 39 (1994) 301-316.
- Gebel H.G.K. & S.K. Kozlowski, Remarks on taxonomy and related questions of Neolithic chipped stone industries of the Fertile Crescent, as related to their contemporaries in the adjacent regions. In: S.K. Kozlowski & H.G.K. Gebel (eds.), Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries in the Fertile Crescent, and Their Contemporanities in Adjacent Areas. Studies in Early Near Eastern Subsistence, Production, and Environment 3 (1996) 453-460. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K. & Bienert H.D., Excavating Ba'ja, Greater Petra Area, southern Jordan. Neo-Lithics. A Newsletter of Southwest Asian Lithic Research 1/97 (1997) 9-11.
- Schyle D. & Gebel H.G.K., Upper Paleolithic Siq Umm al-Alda 1, near Wadi Musa, Southern Jordan. In: H.G.K. Gebel, Z. Kafafi & G.O. Rollefson (eds.), The Prehistory of Jordan, II. Perspectives from 1997. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 4 (1997) 149-170. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K. & Bienert H.D. with contributions of Krämer T., Neef R., Müller-Neuhof B., Timm J. & Wright K.I., Ba'ja hidden in the Petra Mountains. Preliminary results of the 1997 investigations. In: H.G.K. Gebel, Z. Kafafi & G.O. Rollefson (eds.), The Prehistory of Jordan, II. Perspectives from 1997. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 4 (1997) 221-262. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Mahasneh H.M. & Gebel H.G.K., Geometric objects from LPPNB es-Sifiya, Wadi Mujib, Jordan. Paléorient 24.2 (1999) 105-110.
- Gebel H.G.K. & B. Dahl Hermansen, LPPNB Ba‘ja 2001. A short note. Neo-Lithics 2/01 (2001) 15-20. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Hermansen Dahl B. & Gebel H.G.K., Towards a framework for studying the Basta industries. In: Nissen H.J., Muheisen M. & Gebel H.G.K. (Eds.), Basta I. The Human Ecology (2004) 177-186. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Muheisen M., Qadi N. & Gebel H.G.K., Flint and ground stone artefacts' raw materials. In: Nissen H.J., Muheisen M. & Gebel H.G. (Eds.), Basta I. The Human Ecology (2004) 129-154. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K., Where are the Dead ? Answers by Hans-Dieter Bienert, Michelle Bonogofsky, Hans Georg K. Gebel, Ian Kuijt & Gary Rollefson. In: H.D. Bienert, H.G.K. Gebel & R. Neef (eds.), Central Settlements in Neolithic Jordan. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 5 (2004) 157-176. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K., Kinzel M., Nissen H.J. & Zaid Z., Summary and conclusions. In: H.G.K. Gebel, H.J. Nissen and Z. Zaid, Basta II. The Architecture and Stratigraphy (2006) 203-224. Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K., Hermansen B. Dahl & Kinzel M., Ba‘ja 2005: A two-storied building and collective burials. Results of the 6th season of excavation. Neo-Lithics 1/06: 12-19.
- Gebel H.G.K. and Kinzel M., Ba‘ja 2007: Ba'ja 2007: Crawl spaces, rich room dumps, and high energy events. Results of the 7th season of excavations. Neo-Lithics 1/07: 24-33.
Co-edited volumes
- Garrard A.N. & Gebel H.G. (Eds.), The Prehistory of Jordan. The State of Research in 1986. British Archaeological Reports - International Series 396 (1988) Oxford: B.A.R.
- Gebel H.G. & Kozlowski S.K. (Eds.), Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent. Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Production, Subsistence and Environment 1 (1994) Berlin: ex oriente.
- Kozlowski S.K. & Gebel H.G.K. (Eds.), Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries in the Fertile Crescent, and Their Contemporanities in Adjacent Areas. Studies in Early Near Eastern Subsistence, Production, and Environment 3 (1996) Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K., Kafafi Z. & Rollefson G.O. (Eds.), The Prehistory of Jordan, II. Perspectives from 1997. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 4 (1997) Berlin: ex oriente.
- Gebel H.G.K., Hermansen B.D. & Hoffmann Jensen C. (Eds.), Magic Practices and Ritual in the Near Eastern Neolithic. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 8 (2002) Berlin: ex oriente.
- Bienert H.D., Gebel H.G.K. & Neef R. (Eds.), Central Settlements in Neolithic Jordan. Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Petra,July 1997. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 5 (im Druck) Berlin, ex oriente.
- Nissen H.J., Muheisen M.& Gebel H.G.K. (Eds.), Basta I. The Human Ecology (2004) Berlin: ex oriente.
- H.G.K. Gebel, H.J. Nissen Z. Zaid, Basta II. The Architecture and Stratigraphy (2006). Berlin: ex oriente.
Co-edited series
- since 1994: Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment (with Reinder Neef)
- since 1994: Neo-Lithics. A Newsletter of Southwest Asian Lithics Research (since 2003: Neo-Lithics. The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research) (with Gary O. Rollefson)
- since 2001: bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis (with Gary O. Rollefson)